Reconciliation and Peace Building after 30 Years of Genocide in Rwanda
Guest Editors
Dr. Jos Chathukulam, Director, Centre for Rural Management (CRM) Kottayam, Kerala, India , Dr. Gireesan K, Director, MIT School of Government, MIT World Peace University, Pune, India.
Important Dates
Abstract Submission (500 words): 20 April,2024
Notification of Acceptance: 30 Apil,2024
Manuscript Submission (5000 to 7000 words): 30 September,2024
Publication of the Issue: Vol. 46(4)Jan-March, 2025
Contact Information: For inquiries and submission of Abstracts and Manuscripts, please contact: [email protected] / [email protected] / [email protected] The style sheet and sample articles can be accessed from the journal website :
Call for Papers- Gandhi Marg