For journal subscription, hostel accommodation, enquiry and other general matters
- Secretary, Gandhi Peace Foundation, 221 &223, DeeenDayalUpadyaya Marg, New Delhi- 110002; Emails: [email protected];[email protected]Phone: 011- 2323 7491; 2323 7493;+91-9818323936; Fax: 011- 2323 6734.
For editorial queries, submissions, status of paper and copy right issues
- Editor, Gandhi Marg ( English),221 & 223, DeenDayalUpadhyaya Marg, New Delhi- 110002. Emails: [email protected]; [email protected] +91-8943688388
- Editor, Gandhi Marg (Hindi), 223 DeenDayalUpadhyaya Marg, New Delhi- 110002; Email: [email protected];[email protected]+91-9312974018